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Heart of TLV

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Buy: old 2 bedroom / 2 bath apartment, 73 SQM, on 1st floor worth 4,500,000 ILS
Get: New 3 2.5 Bedroom / 2 Bath apartment, 83 SQM + 9.5 SQM terrace, with a Mamad (safe-room) in a new building with elevator, on the 1st floor, worth 5,800,000 ILS
โข The Project Status: Fully Signed with approved Plans
โข The Construction is expecting to begin within the next 6-12 months and is expected take 22 months to completion.
โข During Construction the you will receive rent from the developer ( appraisal based)
โข At the end of the project you will recive a 100K grant from the developer for renovation budget
โข The Developer of the project has a very good reputation, and considered a very good developer and contractor with years of experience, a strong financial backing, great credit, and lots of completed project in Tel Aviv. Link to developer website >> https://www.ben-shalom.co.il/en/shalom-aleichem-28/

ืืืืจ ื ืื''ื
054 -3177014
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